Large Seraphinite Rectangular Pendant, fantastic quality.

Seraphinite, is from Lake Baikal, Siberia, a variety of Clinochlore.

Helpful with cellular regeneration, and clearing old energetic patterns which no longer serve us. Stimulates the flow of kundalini energy.


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SKU: CJP-SER-2063 Categories: , ,

Seraphinite is often referred to as the stone of Angels, and is said to be linked with the Highest order of Angelic Beings the Seraaphim. A powerful stone for helping to restore balance and healing to the planet, and to assist those who work to manifest this end result. Seraphinite helps us focus on increasing the amount of Light we carry in our physical body so we are are then able to fullfill our life purpose with greater ease, and assist others and the planet in this time of transition.